Tuesday 17 June 2014

Die Antwoord with Dior??

I was highly suspicious about this but after watching I am absolutely inspired.... Watch!

Thursday 12 June 2014


This time 4 years ago I had gone back to Durban for my June/July break and was immorally depressed! I had left all my friends back in CPT for what could only be described as a season of complete mayhem. The feeling of absolute emptiness I felt when landing in my home town was completely apparent to my poor parents when fetching me from the airport. I sat on my couch while watching the opening game with an intense feeling of FOMO and wondering how on earth I was going to get through this holiday.
Alas, the phone rang and I was dragged out of my very juvenile "sulk" and into a after party of the first game... the rest was kind of history. My World cup memories were indescribable to say the least. I met some of the most amazing people and we formed a solid "FIFA" group. I say this because not only did we watch most games together, there was always a FIFA tournament on playstation happening, everyone was constantly dressed up in their selected teams colors and the vibe was just electric. There was always a point during the holiday where somebodies parents were away so the houses would be taken over and turned into students digs. We were never apart for longer than the odd person going home for clean clothes or a drink/food shop. The complete holiday was nothing less than one of the greatest times of my life and I was very blessed to have shared it with such a wonderful group of people. My whole point of this is simply, whether you like soccer or not, this is one of those times when people really do come together from all walks of life. You can create such solid bonds through supporting a team in sport. It sounds a little bit "out there" but why do you think boys always have the best "bromances?" because they become 100% involved in each others opinions on the specific sport/team/player. It's actually highly entertaining to watch, but the camaraderie that comes with that is great.
It's not going to be the same as 4 years ago because its not here, but in my opinion, it is still very easy to keep the spirit alive. Make those missions to come together and watch the games... even if you hate the sport. You never know who you will come together with... from my experience its a no lose situation! 

First game is at 10pm tonight Brazil vs. Croatia and tomorrow will be the highly anticipated rematch of the champions Spain vs. Netherlands.
Get game times/dates etc on http://www.fifa.com/
See? Now I've just given you your Friday plans....

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Predictable 24...

I'm attempting to do this next post using this fancy new cell phone app... so just preempting a few spelling/grammatical errors...

I was going through all my social media bio's and having a good cringe at most of them... in every single one I describe myself as wild, forever young, free, forever 22 (I don't know why 22 came in here) wild heart,  never thinking with my head...you get the picture! I have been told my entire life that I was Peter Pan and that my head was always floating in the clouds - living in Neverland one could say. I have always enjoyed that...it has helped me make some very creative excuses as to why I was never good at maths, or why I chose not to go to university straight away because of a boyfriend, or why I am constantly spending money on things I just don't need, I do all this why? Because I'm a free, wild spirit!

However as I am no longer 22, the ink of my fresh "Finding Neverland" tattoo is starting to fade into my skin, I no longer have the money to spend on frivolous things, love and all that becomes a much more difficult and short lived joy because we're all in that limbo area where commitment takes so much more strength than it used to and I need maths, everyday! I also am not sailing around the world, or hiking through foreign mountains...no, I go to an office everyday 9-5 and I sit in meetings and have managers...it seems very far off from my existence in Neverland!

Am I disappointed that my life never developed any chaotic colour or magical whims? No I'm not... I get to form solid and everlasting "commitments." These commitments range from relationships to residency to getting healthy to being able to seriously focus on you as a person...sounds corny but it's matter of fact. I might lead a semi predictable life, but as I've said before, for me that was always going to be the adventure... predictability was going to be my challenge and as it turns out, the benefits if this life have been incomparable!
One day I'll sail off to Neverland... (cringe) and I'll have another type of adventure, become the wild spirited girl again...but for now, borderline 24, im really happy being predictable!

Friday 23 May 2014

Why one needs to work in hospitality...

Stumbled upon this beautifully written article about working in the hospitality industry! I am pretty sure we have all been here at some point or another, and if you haven't, well this is a really different and captivating perspective on the industry and a good read...

8 reasons why you need to work in hospitality.

The hours suck. You’re in and organising before the first customer arrives and you’re still cleaning after the last ones leave. Sixteen hours later. Friday night is like Monday morning for normal people and Saturday feels like Wednesday. If you’re lucky enough to get Sunday night off you’re too buggered to want to go out but you do anyway because everyone else is also out venting. It so happens Sundays are the best nights to go out, hospitality people know how to party, that’s kinda why they’re in the game.

The pay is miserable. Any 9-5 human working on a Saturday (let alone Sunday) would demand bonuses, insist on having extra leave and equity share in the business. Being payed by the hour means when there’s work to be done there’s work to be paid for, when things quieten down receiving a text telling you to ‘have it off’ means exactly that. There’s no sympathy pay there either. But your regular customers will always look after you when you look after them. Having a couple hundred tax free notes in the sky rocket makes spending them that much more enjoyable.

It’s never clean enough. Time to lean, time to clean. When you’re being paid to work there’s work to be done; those shelves behind the bar with the entire glassware inventory stacked upon them, yep, they need cleaning; and the glasses, to. Anyone who’s ever lived with someone who knows how to polish will know that their cutlery, crockery and glasses will always be spot and streak free. Always.

The people you work with are fictional. Neil, the 50-year-old waiter who was once an aspiring actor gave up on that and turned to carrying plates... and the bottle; from ten in the morning until he stumbles out and through the quite possibly closed front door. He relives his days on stage in the dining room; he has this aura that surrounds him, each table a new scene, each menu a new script. He lives week to week from pub to pub. And he’s a legend. Javi, the Afghani chef who grew up in Sweden and still has a bullet inside him and shouldn’t be alive (legally or otherwise) will tell you stories with scars to prove that make your life feel like a four-framed comic. He makes the best pizzas you’ll ever taste that not even his mother knows the recipes too. These people will do your head in and tear your soul out but you’ll get to know them better than you know your family and when you meet again, long after you’ve parted ways; you’ll silently thank them for what they taught you.

You cannot hold down a relationship. Because your life revolves around your work, there’s little time for anyone else (of substance). And if you payed attention to the hours (they suck) there’s little time to lead a normally-hour’d life; therefore you have to date the people you work with which is like shitting where you eat. Not even pigs do that. In the busy seasons though, when new staff come and go, you’ll find a summer romance that will definitely be different, you’ll promise each other the world and then review those promises while looking at an atlas of what should have been but never was. Your heart will be broken, your friends will be proud and you’ll move on and be stronger.

Your perception on society will change. The conversations you overhear and are involved in; the topics, the stories and their outcomes – are much the same. You’ll realise that ninety per cent of people are mundane and the ten per cent that are interesting and actually have something worthwhile to offer are more than likely standing next to you. You’ll realise that when you’re in the game, you’re different and if (and when you ever get out) you will not let yourself be like the ninety per cent. You might even find yourself doing what it is you want to do and not what society said.

It’s addictive. Your senses are heightened when moving through a restaurant or behind a bar and if they’re not you’re working too slowly. There’s noise and music, people and pressure, temperature and busyness. Amidst the organised chaos you’ll reach a mental place where you’re aware of everything that’s going on in the room; the 5/4 timed song that’s playing, the Italian chef who is yelling, the four plates that are burning your hands, the forest floor aroma of the vintage Pino Noir that’s just been decanted; and even though you cannot be everywhere at once, you’ll try to be. You’ll take multitasking to another level.

It’s revealing.  Every human needs to know how to serve others. And when you’re serving, you’re vulnerable. And you’re vulnerable because it’s personal. It’s between you and them; you’re at their beck and call, yes sir no sir how would you like that cooked, sir. That arse-hole customer who makes it seem like you have done everything wrong, when you couldn’t have done anything more for them. But when you learn to serve with a genuine smile, you realise it’s not personal at all. That’s what service is about, being humble. And the next time you go out and your friend is being the ass that all the staff will talk about, you’ll smile to yourself because he hasn’t carried a plate in his life for anybody else. He hasn’t revealed himself. 


Thursday 24 April 2014

Love this chick! And this music video kind of makes me want to Rave...

90's Flashback..

Going through such a 90's flashback stage this week! I have gone from old Brit Spears to the Spice girls to Baby bird, New radicals etc. I really feel its a time that we all look straight past, granted fashion back then was border line manic, but seemingly some stylists are bringing it back in a big way. Their reasoning? um I can't really be sure, It's not necessarily my most favorite genre of fashion. I found it to be a slight mess. In my eyes it was basically people putting anything and everything together to create a collage type jumble, highly eclectic. Some could pull it off (Drew Barrymore, Kate Moss etc) others looked like they had crawled out of their cupboards backwards. BUT the music... it truly is something special. Ok, maybe one can't really call the pop culture of this time "great music" but the bands that were around at the time had such a groovy sound. It's the sort of music that has a slight combination of emotions... we'd almost moved on ever so slightly from the punk vibe (barring Avril Lavigne - skater boy, worst!) and bands were writing music that initiated some sort of emotion from their listeners. I think it was a reformation of the 60's where lyrics were a fundamental part of a song... I think its had quite a staunch influence on our bands of today....
Anyway... Have a look at the fashion below... I 'll leave you to make your own minds up about it.